Mulai membuka laman blog yang udah bedebu karena lama ga
disambangi. Banyak kisah traveling sama kulineran yang pengen di share banyak2 di sini, tapi apa daya waktu yang ga bisa banyak2 di share (ngomong kok dibolak-baik. Duh, aku mah gitu orangnya, ha3...).
Seperti yang udah aku bilang tadi, banyak kisah traveling sama kulineran yang pengen di share. Salah satunya adalah traveling
ke Makassar awal bulan April ini, tepatnya tanggal 9-13 April lalu. Ga
nyangka sebenernya aku sama temen2 bisa nyampe kotanya Sultan Hassanudin
itu. Bermula karena di kuliah kami ada matkul wajib yang ngeharusin mahasiswa/i nya buat maju oral/poster di konferensi internasional/nasional untuk syarat tesis. Makanya, kami (aku, teman sepeminatan dan beda peminatan) sibuk nyari2 info conference yang di dalam maupun luar negeri. Pas itu, conference yang feasible ada di Makassar (masih di negeri sendiri meski jauh dari ibukota), langsung aja aku sama mostly
temen2 sekelas pergi ke sana. Bermula dari tugas kuliah
berujung pada traveling dan kulineran, ahay! Mumpung ada event
di tempat yang baru pertama kali kami datangi (kecuali satu temenku
yang orang Makassar (Bantaeng) asli) pastilah kami pakai buat jalan2
sama icip2. Aji mumpung pokoknya, he3...
Perjalanan dimulai dari tanggal 9 April dari Depok ke Soetta lanjut ke Sultan Hassanudin International Airport Makassar.
Aku berangkat sama 1 orang temenku karena temen2 yang lain udah pada
berangkat duluan. 2 jam di udara terasa lama buat kami. Setelah sampai
di bandara, aku sama temenku sholat maghrib dan bergegas berburu tulisan
"Makassar" di tiap sudut bandara buat kami foto. Dan, apa yang kami
dapet??? ga ada satu pun tulisan Makassar yang gede yang kami temuin di
bandara kecuali tulsan kecil di wallpaper bergambar obyek2 wisata
di Sulsel. Mau ga mau fotolah kita gantian di depan tulisan itu meski
kurang puas juga sih sebenernya... Tapi kita udah berazzam buat nyari tulisan "Makassar" keesokan harinya buat foto2, hahaha... (tetep ya...)
68. Sultan Hasanuddin Int. Airport
(Sultan Hasanuddin Int. Airport)
Abis nunggu kedatangan 2 orang temen yang tiba 1 jam setelah
kami di bandara, kami pun bergegas menuju hotel tempat kami semua
menginap, Hotel Arbor Biz yang letaknya ga jauh dari bandara. Aku
sekamar sama temenku, sebut saja N. O iya, kami cewek semua loh
bersebelas ke Makassar. Karena peminatan kuliahku emang mayoritas cewek
dan cowoknya cuma 1 trus dia ga ikutan. Kami ga mengalami kesulitan yang
berarti selama disana karena ada "guide" orang asli sana yaitu temen kami juga, sebut saja Mb. A.
Hari pertama: 10 April 2015
sarapan pagi jam 8, kami naik mobil hotel dianter ke Unhas. sekitar 30
menit perjalanan kami lalui. Alhamdulillah ga pake macet. Sekilas
tentang Unhas, ni kampus modelnya hampir mirip kayak UI ma UNS, banyak
lahan yang ditanami pohon2 rindang dengan jalan yang naik turun dan
belok2. Bedanya di sini pete2 (sebutan angkot di Makassar) bisa keluar-masuk karena ga ada bis kampus.
Karena aku sama sebagian besar temen dari sini maju hari sabtu, kami pengen liat present temen2 sama participant lain yang maju jumat ini. Si N mau maju hari itu so dia sibuk prepare presentnya. Pas dia lagi mau buka netbuk yang dia pinjem dari temenku si C, ternyata si netbuk ga mau nyala. Padahal data yang mau di presentasiin si C ada di situ semua. Alhasil si C bingung dan mau ga mau dia kudu benerin netbuk biar bisa present besok sabtu. Akhirnya aku nemenin si C nyari servisan netbuk di Makassar dianter sama supir hotel. Setelah tanya2 sama panitia & mahasiswa Unhas, akhirnya meluncurlah kami ke Makassar Trade Center (MTC), mallnya gadget Makassar. Aku sama C bergegas masuk ke salah satu tempat servis netbuk disitu dan tau ga gimana? Tu netbuk mau nyala pas dipegang sama tukang servisnya. Etdah... Si C seneng campur heran. Akhirnya kami balik ke mobil dan minta si supir nganterin kami ke Pantai Losari dan sekitarnya.
Sampai juga kami di Pantai Losari. Ikon kota Makassar ini letaknya di Jl. Penghibur sekitar 45 menit kalau dari bandara. Seberang pantai udah banyak fasilitas penyokong pariwisata macam hotel, tempat makan mulai harga kaki lima sampai bintang lima dan pusat2 perbelanjaan. Nah, pas liat pantainya, aku kira ini pantai buatan tapi ternyata pantai beneran soalnya cuma kayak bendungan gitu dan ga ada ombaknya, he3... maap2, biasa liat ombak pantai selatan yang ganas dan sering nelen korban soalnya. Akhirnya kami nemuin tulisan "Makassar" dan tulisan nama2 suku2 di Sulsel disitu. So pasti foto2 jadi hal wajib yang dilakuin di situ.
69. Pantai Losari
(Losari Beach)
70. Tulisan "Makassar" di Bibir Pantai Losari
(Word "Makassar" in front of Losari Beach)
Makin sore makin rame soalnya banyak pelancong yang ngejar sunset di sini. Selain pantai, ada juga masjid apung Amirul Mukminin yang atraktif. Aku sama C sholat disitu sebelum lanjut walked along on Losari Beach. Aku juga liat banyak penjual makanan khas Makassar disitu. Mostly seen were pisang epe.
71. Masjid Amirul Mukminin
(Amirul Mukminin Mosque)
Puas foto2 kami lanjut ke Fort Rotterdam. Benteng ini masih satu jalur sama Pantai Losari. Dari Losari ke Rotterdam atau sebaliknya bisa ditempuh dengan jalan kaki. Laut keliatan jelas dari seberang benteng ini. Kami ga masuk ke benteng dan cuma foto2 di depan tulisan "Fort Rotterdam" aja. Sedikit tentang Fort Rotterdam, benteng ini dibangun pada tahun 1545 sama Raja Gowa kallonna-9 bernama I Manrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung Tumapa'risi '. Benteng dengan nama awal Benteng Ujung Pandang ini awalnya dari tanah liat, tapi pas pemerintahan Raja Gowa-14 Sultan Alauddin konstruksi benteng berubah jadi batu dari pegunungan karst di Maros. Benteng ini bentuknya kayak kura-kura yang mau merangkak turun ke laut. Bentuknya sangat jelas ngegambarin filosofi Kerajaan Gowa, bahwa penyu dapat hidup di darat dan di laut. Begitu pun dengan Kerajaan Gowa yang menang di darat dan di laut. Ketika Belanda menguasai wilayah kerajaan Gowa-Tallo, akhirnya kerajaan menandatangani perjanjian Bungayya dengan salah satu perjanjiannya berisi Benteng Ujung Pandang harus diserahkan ke Belanda. Ketika Belanda menduduki benteng ini, nama benteng diubah jadi Fort Rotterdam. Cornelis Speelman sengaja milih nama Fort Rotterdam untuk mengenang tanah airnya di Belanda. Benteng ini dipake Belanda buat pusat penyimpanan rempah-rempah di Indonesia Timur. Abis Perang Jawa (1825-1830), pangeran Jawa yang sekarang jadi pahlawan nasional, Pangeran Diponegoro diasingkan dan dipenjara di benteng ini tahun 1830 sampai wafatnya tahun 1855. Benteng ini juga pernah dipake buat tempat tawanan Jepang semasa Perang Dunia II. O iya, Laut keliatan jelas kalau seseorang duduk di atas atap benteng ini.
72.1. Bagian depan Fort Rotterdam
(1. Forepart of Fort Rotterdam)
Source: my friends pic :D
2. Bagian dalam Fort Rotterdam
(2. Fort Rotterdam on the inside)
Kami berdua nunggu teman2 yang masi di Unhas di depan Rotterdam. Setelah ketemu, kami nyobain makan makanan tradisional dari Makassar dan sekitarnya. Apa aja yang kami cobain di sana, aku posting di tulisan selanjutnya.
As I've said before, many stories bout traveling and culinary which I want to share. One of them were traveling to Makassar on early April, (April 9 to 13). Me and my friends actually didn't have thought went to The Sultan Hassanudin City. It started because of the coursework that requires the college students must attend oral or poster presentation in international/national conference so we can grab the requirement for thesis. And this is a new requirement in my contemporaries. As a result we (me, my dept and other dept friends) were busy searched the conference information which held both inside/outside the country. At that time, the feasible conference would be held in Makassar, so most of my classmates and some of other dept friends went there immediately. Everything was started from coursework and ended with traveling and culinary. While there was a new event in the first place where we went (except one my friend who came from Makassar (Bantaeng)), so we made an agenda for traveling and culinary, he3...
The journey was started at April 9 from Depok-Soetta and ended at Sultan Hassanudin International Airport Makassar. I went with C, one of my classmate because some friends had went first. 2 hours in the air seemed too long for me. After landing, we prayed magrib and "hunted" word "Makassar" in every place of the airport for photo but no one "Makassar" which we saw except a tiny in wallpaper about destinations in South Sulawesi. Whether we want it or not, we decided to took photos in front of it although we were less satisfied. But we had a great intention to searched "Makassar" next day for photos, hahaha... We stayed in Arbor Biz Hotel near the airport. My roomate was N who had arrived first. FYI, we were 11 girls from one dept who stayed there. 11 travel girls who ready to presentated in conference and explored Makassar :)
Day 1: April 10, 2015
We drove from the hotel to Unhas after breakfast. Finally we arrived at Unhas about 30 minutes on our way through without jammed, Alhamdulillah. Overview bout Unhas, this campus model is almost similar like UI and UNS, many land planted with shady trees, the road were up and down and serpentine. The difference among the campus were pete2 (public transportation in Makassar, in Jakarta we called it angkot) could entered campus because there is no campus bus.
Most of my friends presented in Saturday. We who presented in Saturday want to saw other participant who scheduled on Friday. N also would presented today so she busy to prepared her task. She borrowed C's netbook to opened her presenation file. When she opened C's netbook, it was turned out and couldn't on. They were confused and C must serviced her netbook soon in order she could studied and presented in Saturday. Finaly, I accompany C to searched the netbook service center in Makassar ushered by hotel driver. We went to MTC, gadget mall in Makassar. We entered one of the service center there and you now what??? The netbook was on when the technician turn the power on automatically! OMG... C happy but mingled wonder with that case. We back to the car and asked the driver to accompanied us to Losari Beach and surroundings.
We arrived at Losari Beach. This Makassar icon was located on Penghibur St about 45 minutes from the airport. Acrross the beach were so many facilities for traveler like hotels, restaurants and food stalls, and shopping centers. When I saw the beach, I supposed that was a artificial beach or reclamation because of the line just like a dam and no waves but it turns out a real beach, he3... Sorry, I usually see beach in Indian Ocean (or Pantai Selatan) which has ferocious waves and often casualties. We found "Makassar" and another words about tribes name in South Sulawesi there so of course we took photos in front of them.
Besides beach, there was an attractive Amirul Mukminin floating mosque. Me and C pray there before walked along on Losari Beach. I also saw many street food vendors who sold typical food Makassar. Mostly seen were pisang epe.
The visitors in this beach increased on late afternoon. They usually want to enjoyed the sunset there. After satisfied took photos there, we moved to Fort Rotterdam. The fort was built in 1545 by the King of Gowa-9 named I Manrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung Tumpa'risi 'kallonna. The castle was originally made from clay, but in the reign of King of Gowa-14 Sultan Alauddin construction of this fort changed into rocks were sourced from the Karst Mountains in the Maros region. Ujung Pandang fortress is shaped like a turtle that was about to crawl down into the ocean. The shape is very clear in terms of the philosophy of the Kingdom of Gowa, that turtles can live on land and at sea. So even with the Kingdom of Gowa who were victorious on land and at sea. Gowa-Tallo Bungayya finally signed an agreement that one of the articles require Gowa to submit this to the Dutch fort. When the Dutch occupied this fort, Fort Ujung Pandang name was changed to Fort Rotterdam. Cornelis Speelman deliberately chose the name Fort Rotterdam in memory of his homeland in the Netherlands. This fort was later used by the Dutch as the central storage of spices in eastern Indonesia. Following the Java War (1825–1830), Javanese prince, and now national hero, Diponegoro was imprisoned in the fort following his exile to Makassar in 1830 until his death in 1855. It was also used as a Japanese prisoner of war camp in World War II. This fort was very near from Losari Beach. People can go there from Losari Beach or otherwise by foot. The sea appeared if someone sit on the roof of this fort. We don't entered the fort and just took pictures in front of the "Fort Rotterdam" word.
We both waited our friends who still in Unhas in front of Rotterdam. After we met, we tried to ate traditional food from Makassar and surroundings. What kinds of foods we are eat there will be written in the next post.
Web ini baik sekali saat kami membutuhkan Bus Pariwisata Makassar.. semoga terus jaya dan oke...